2019.12.16. 09:29
Site UI
I showed my site to a few friends again, and I have been kindly informed that they do not, in fact, give a singular fuck about the exact hour, minute and timezone of a post’s creation. Some other remarks:
- They requested a portrait. While I find this unneccessary, there’s no denying how handsome I am, so there it is.
- The contact page has been updated with an email address; spam crawlers can find me more easily now.
- An interesting request was a printable CV. I mean, wow, omg, lol, but the guy who told me this is actually a recruiter, so I did it. I was curious about the CSS media query anyways.
- Galleries. The galleries sucked, I know. I switched to Material Photo Gallery. The minified javascript for this is twice as large (about 20kb), but it works, and I’m willing to pay an additional 10kb for that.
For the new galleries I totally restructured the CV page; I automatically generate thumbnails – this took a while to get my head around, but it’s so worth it! I made a custom Hugo shortcode to display a folder as a gallery, too, so now everything is automatic.
It was also readily apparent that anyone opening the site would scroll down immediately. This had the implication that the menu was not immediately obvious, so I changed that too.
Got any comments about this? Well visit my CONTACT PAGE TO WRITE ME A MAIL ABOUT IT MWAHAHAHA
Kudos for Viktor and Árpi for the remarks!