Hi! I’m László, I program games in Unity. I like prototyping ideas. I also like spaceships, books, spices, music with guitars. I studied kung-fu and I love bouldering. I’m a dog person and my favorite game is Unreal (from 1998) and Doom Eternal.
I’m amazing when it comes to C#, Unity, Windows, or Android development.
Fun facts
- I’m super proud of my year old son :)
- I once wrote an operating system.
- I started programming because I wanted to hack Starcraft maps.
- I’m a hobby guitarist. I sometimes post stuff on SoundCloud. I’ll release a doom metal album soon too!
- I failed a class at uni because I obfuscated my homework. It worked flawlessly.
- I wrote a simple roguelike for VAX-11/VMS.
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